Natural honey
Royal Yemen Jujube Honey - Nectar Antik
Honey is above all healing, cited in several books as well as the Koran. It has the particularity of treating many illnesses and pathologies. But it is also a great cause for preventing health problems with daily consumption.
Today, we have forgotten it and we often rush to medications which can certainly be very beneficial in certain cases – that is not the debate – but honey could be a very effective substitute in many cases.
main Features
Respiratory: Honey is very effective against coughs and respiratory problems in general.
1- As reported in the authentic prophetic medicine. Digestive: honey has the particularity of being very effective against digestive problems in general, such as ulcers, colic, intestinal problems other than that.
2- An antibacterial: honey is an antibiotic, antibacterial and antifungicide. It also has the same characteristics as a skin disinfectant. Studies point in this direction. Honey could even replace some not very effective antibiotics.
3- Nourishing: finally, honey is widely used in cosmetics for its moisturizing, nourishing and antioxidant properties. It is found in hair care, moisturizing creams, balms, and even in food supplements.
4- Antiseptic: as we mentioned, honey has antiseptic and healing properties. More and more hospitals are using it for wounds and burns.
5- Honey takes barely twenty minutes to pass into the bloodstream and release a significant dose of energy.
6- Did you know? Honey is an effective antibacterial. Clinical trials have been done to test honey as a virus killer. Several diseases were implanted in hives, such as typhoid fever, dysentery and even typhus... all were wiped out in less than 48 hours.
7- Many peoples living in total nature used honey as their only antiseptic.
8- A burn on which honey is applied will not blister and healing will be faster.
Usage tips
Honey can be used in several ways.
1- Skin
Honey can be applied directly to the skin to treat wounds and burns. You can also use it as a beauty mask for the face.
2- Oral route
Consume honey directly from a spoon (3 times a day) or mix with lukewarm water. It can also be mixed with other foods.
3- Hair
Honey can be used as a hair treatment by applying it like a mask directly to the scalp.
All the virtues of honey have not yet been discovered but many studies are still carried out to this day, but those that we already know are numerous. It is enough to look towards prophetic medicine to realize the exceptional particularity of honey.
Honey is therefore an essential ally for anyone wishing to take care of their health.